The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

10X rule is simply work 10x times more than you do normally to achieve a goal in your life be it a relationship,job or product or service or a sales work 10x times it’s definitely going to add advantage. But it’s not so easy to master it or do it.

“This is not just book review and my take on it and trying to apply it.”

There is high chance that you are expecting high returns or high grades or high results than that currently that your having right now the main reason for this may not be the govt rules or the system that’s not working out or the corpore or the school system to blame it’s you are the reason and your efforts are the reason for the results what you see. Be it the relationship or the school grades or the sales or the promotion you are looking for is that you are not putting the efforts it’s required to. Bump up your efforts 10X times to see your results that you are expecting. This book mostly talks about how do you change your perception about the results you are expecting and it’s expected efforts where you are and how do you make it 10X to get the utmost results. Below are the few of those approaches. 
Have a can-do attitude (solutions, positive, belief, actions)
This attitude towards to your goal can take you halfway there. The most importantly to believe that  the positive actions towards to your goal and extra efforts that you put it will result put you in the direction of your goal. All you have to believe that you can do it.

Believe that I will figure it out (either you or find someone else)

While thinking of I can do it come up to the next question how can i do it? Simple just believe that you’ll figure it out spend that extra time that no others are spending to get those results and gather those resources that will help you or reach out to people who know that they can guide you in the right direction and validate them before you take it forward.

Focus on opportunities (problems solved = good)
Look for those opportunities keep looking to get what you wanted until you get that the problems you solve is the reward you get the bigger the problem you solve the better the reward you get. All you need is to figure out the right problems. So keep looking for the problems.

Love challenges (success begets more success, fuel, stimulation)

Challenges are best opportunities, usually entrepreneurs are love to invest in challenges, be it the time to analyse or the resources or the fund to find a best and simple solution to resolve the challenges. You got to love the challenges to seek success in life.

Seek to solve problems (bigger the better)

After you found the challenging opportunity look at the solution point of you look for rough solutions and improvise on it. The bigger the impact of your solution to the problem the better of results you get and the bigger the impact and the better the reward.

Persist until successful (important, develop, what are you made of?)
Most people who wanna achieve their goals quit as they encounter first  huddle in the way. Persistency is the key though the odds are against your side, keep doing it and go and extra mile. Do it every day you wanna achieve you goal spit it to small goals that can be achievable with in a day and do it every day think of it like if yous skip it for a day you are pushing your deadline to the next day. Try no to skip. Those who are consistent at what they do will definitely puts you far ahead of the competition. So i’ve decided to become pro at typing is one of my goal so i’ve started doing it for more than 4 months i’ve improved from 23WPM to 40WPM some times i hit 64WPM. so i’ve never missed a single day in practicing it for minimum 10 minutes of a day. Be it workout or studies or job or career goal spit it into tiny pieces that can be achieved with in a day.  Do it with out any excuses like it’s raining, not in a mood to do it, i’ve another priority task. STOP.

Take risk (put something on the line, gamble, criticised, don’t play safe)

No risk no cheese, Not taking risk is loss, for example if you don’t invest just saving will be eaten up by inflation. so take calculated risk and invest carefully. Not just in finance, or any other goal you got to take risk be it relationship or sales or career this will apply to most of all our goals. Take risk do not play safe, playing safe never get you through the winning line.

Be unreasonable (act without reason, not agreed upon realities)

If you are really passionate about something you alway live in it, be it learning or career or fitness or sports books or business. When i was in school, i’m really into science so i bunk school to go to science fair exhibition. If you are into fitness alway think and live in it to reach where in wanna be, even simple things like taking stairs instead of lift. You got be unrealistic, Be it finance go through each and every transaction on your bank statement to make sure there are no miscellaneous charges. You got to be unrealistic such as go to school on weekend to have that freedom to do the extra lab experiments or practice the sport at unguarded hour or go an extra mile to know about the company you are going to attend interview to know the projects and help in solutions.

Be dangerous (being safe is dangerous, massive action is needed)
Not being dangerous is too dangerous and injurious to your career or your goals, if you do consistently doing an extra will be easy and making special will make you stand out of the crowd. so be  dangerous what ever you do to achieve massive success in your life or career what ever you passionate to do.

Create wealth (money is abundant, create products, services, solutions)
 Create value that will turn into money, don’t look for money, look for opportunities and how to turn them into value creation which intern turns into money. Try to focus more on automating the passive income. Book talks about if you can’t handle $100 you can’t handle $100000000 of wealth. If you couldn’t have the idea of budgeting 
is waste of time, then you really need to rethink.
Once the system is in place such as budget and paying bills automated and the important element is that you really need to focus on improving your income, in other words you really need to produce value by working 10X times or even more on producing value, the financials will be improved at 10X. Key is to live minimalist with same living standards and saving as much as you can to achieve your financial goal. The bad habits you have about financials will ruin all your plans and also impact other goals of your life that you wish to achieve 10X results.
Readily take action (rarely do nothing, consistent high levels of action)
All the education that you got it from various sources should put to test at real life by taking actions and applied in various scenarios in life to stress test them to get the results. Unless you take massive amount of action towards to your goal you can’t make much progress that returns the value that you are expecting of it, be it relationship or business or project. Do it with consistency to go ahead of your competition. Think opposite of what normally you do.
Always say yes (> possibilities, positive, never say no unless I have to)
Always say yes to opportunities that make you uncomfortable such as take a challenge to finish off the certification in a month that you kept pending for ages or talk to your manager about your raise or taking extra steps to start your side hussle after your 9 to 5 job and in the weekends instead of partying. Make sure you say no to parties while you are working on something big, while others are partying, if it is really you like what you wanted to do?, then partying happens while working 🙂 So it’s so important to learn to say YES to opportunities and NO to that makes you happy for instant.
Habitually commit (put it on the line, all in, don’t try – do)

Split your goal into small tiny pieces of work that can be accomplished with in a day that should be done every day if you fail to do in a day that means you are pushing a day on achieving your goal by one more day. Commit to compete a piece of task that you allocated for that day and make it as a habit and  track it make the streak the longest as possible as you can.
Go all the way (no half measures, rewards success, don’t be reasonable)
if you are committed then go all the way don’t do it half way if you wanna close a deal do whatever it takes to get it closed wanna catch up on early morning 5AM get up 4:30AM and prepare and catchup on time and close the deal. You wanna get clear a selection test set the boundary and spit it and accelerate to the fullest and close it. If you can’t commit fully Stop doing it. Start what you can commit fully.
Focus on now (don’t put off, immediate, momentum, confidence)

There is a famous quote “Past is a history and future is a mystery and present is call The Present”, Now is the time to take action, not just action massive action with fully committed. Don’t put it to the off, or i’ll do it later. If you are thinking this is going to be my life worth spending my time and energy then go full and start now with full confidence even though al the odds against you.
Be courageous (don’t give into your fears, everyone has them)
Being courageous is taking that extra step that is different from others which would makes you uncomfortable by making that extreme step do it. If you wanna ask your manager about your salary hike, stop thinking and start talking to your manager start dialing now. Stop making excuses to start a side hustle that make you embarrassed in front of your friends and family? do it you’ll laugh at your self for waiting for that long to not to start it. Make that extra step make it extreme step. 

Embrace change (what is coming next, advantage, adapt)
Change is essence of life, embrace it adapt to it as quickly as possible to make it your favorable condition. Get ahead of the game.
Determined to make the right choice (work hard but work smart)
You are bombarded with many option the lure you into back or dead ends. Make smart decision work silently and work smartest hard way to get edge.
Break traditional ideas (Google, don’t follow – create, forward thinking)
Never try to follow the traditional rules or ideas unless you analysed and convinced it’s adding value to your growth or brings value to the table. Break the rules or social conventions that crow is following see how does it add and speed up the life.

Be goal oriented (target – not problem, your personal goals, write down)
Every day you got to dream that the day where you wanna be or what you wanna be. That keeps you pushing for the piece of work task that you did spit for the day to complete more than you planned to finish for that day.
Be on a mission (think big, be on a mission, zealous, change world)
All the successful entrepreneurs are obsessed what they do. If you wanna so there aren’t much shortcuts or overnight success so be on a mission do whatever it takes you to achieve it. Do it consistently.
Have a high level of motivation (enthusiasm, purpose, mission, drive)
Get motivated every day just like you take bath every day get motivation everyday just by imagining the day you achieved what it feels like. Be curious to learn new way to achieve your dreams.

Be interested in results (not time, results are all that matter)

Keep tracking your results in the process of getting where you wanna be be curious to know where you are standing as of now how much left out and how much efforts and time it’ll take? Have a glave where you are how it’s going do you need to shift to high gears?
Big goals, big dreams (not realistic, out of reach, spread yourself, radical)
Have you seen the movie Whiplash movie? Watch below trailer to get to know what this movie is all about. The 10X Author asks you to do the same in every field you wanna see 10X results you put 10X efforts into it do the sacrifice that it takes you where you wanna see you? What are your dreams put it to work from the time you woke up to till you hit the bed. Live in the thoughts even though you are not working because you really don’t know when it going to strike the idea to solve the problem that you are facing to achieve your goal.
Create your own reality (produce your dream, create what you want)

Be the producer not the consumer be it social media content or work that you passionate of doing be the other side of the game until you produce your own dream. Create what you want, Create what you have imagined and don’t worry about law or social norms or the traditions. Focus on outcome, just think of it after every time you go to bed what have you consumed and what have produced. Are you the producer or a consumer?

Commit first figure out later (don’t pass opportunity, be scared, push)
When you realise there is an opportunity strikes and you are on spot to decide to accept or decline and you don’t know how to solve the problem? Accept it even the entrepreneurs not sure of the end result in the beginning of their journey do figure it out and do it put some extra efforts and reachout to people who knows about it and do it. Don’t let the opportunity go away, grab it with both arms.
Be highly ethical (everything within your power to succeed)

This must be on high priority every one hates you initially but facts won’t change they will realise and you are little annoying but you are right and trustworthy. If you don’t it will screw one fine day. Don’t let your future built on sand stone be ethical in every possible way.
Be interested in the group (you will be dragged down, self-serving)

Be curious that makes other members of your team curious, be interested in what you do love it and enjoy the journey. That’s where startups beat corporates. Be it any thing you do be curious to know to reach next leave or extra small piece of information to excel yourself.
Be dedicated to continuous learning 

#Books are like drops in #PUBG someone who invested lots of time and money and energy to get the knowledge of to make it and pack it into a drop we call a book, it for all us for almost #free who reads it and apply it.

— Better Life Sailor (@BetterLifeSailr) November 18, 2020

Top CEOs read 60 books a year, the average employee reads 1. That’s why their income is 319x the average employee

A book will contains of an authors all the experiences he gained over his life of his expertise and put it into a single book will hardly takes  4 to 5 hrs to complete it. If you are not into book reading try Audio books from Amazon Audible or Amazon Kindle. Audio books or kindle version of books cost way less than the actual cost of the hard copy of the book and also you can listen to the book anytime anywhere.

If you don’t like reading, you’re #reading the wrong #books.

— Better Life Sailor (@BetterLifeSailr) November 3, 2020

Choose from wide variety of collection start small and pick one at a time. Once you keep going you’ll see the compounding effects of reading. “Books are 9th wonder of the world – Better Life Sailor”
Audible: Start Listening books for free
Be uncomfortable (willing, discomfort is an indicator of progress)

We always live in comfortable zone at least start start slowly experiencing the uncomfortable work that you wanna excel such as public speaking. Speaking in from of the cam. Talking to your crush to ask her/him out. Take that one little step that would lead into the big adventures. Once you reached a level of comfortable in the area you’ll realize for no reason you are afraid in the first place. You probably laugh at yourself.
Reach up in relationships (smarter, creative people, more to share)
One day you are going to die. Nothing can stop it, make your footprints leave behind in someone you love that will be the legacy that will remain for generations.
Be disciplined (constructive habits, form habits, part of you)
Do it every day same thing repeatedly will have a huge advantage over others, that will form as a habit.

Here are the few  TED talks that would help you to attain or understand the characteristics of discipline.

My All time best and favorite TED Talks

Here are some of the book recommendations:

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