My Notes to future personal Finance but I always remember

passive income

These motivate me financially to be strong

You can’t be rich by doing 9 to 5 job.

Always have a secondary source of income.


Banks give loan to those who already have money.


If you don’t make money while you sleep, you will have to work until you die.


Your house is not an asset.


Rich people constantly learn and grow, poor people think they already know.



Planning, Patience, and persistence are the keywords for success.


If you buy things you don’t need, soon you will have to sell things that you need.


Investing in stock market is not gambling. It’s a science.


Keep your 40% money in bank account, put aside your 20% for emergency and invest your 40% money in mutual fund or stock market(whatever you think is right for you)



More the risk, more the reward. But never measure the depth of the river with both feet in water.


Here are my top 10 tips for personal finance:

1. Set achievable financial goals.

2. Create a budget and track your expenses.

3. Track your credit score.

4. Automate your savings deposits.

5. Use cash management tools to help manage your money.

6. Make sure to save emergency funds for unexpected expenses.

7. Invest for the long term in index funds.

8. Pay off your debt as quickly as possible.

9. Be mindful of your spending habits.

10. Prioritize building wealth over simply accumulating possessions.

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