20 Life lessons that life taught me the hard way!

Life doesn't give you free #lessons. So when I say #life #taught me, rest assured that I paid the price.

— Better Life Sailor (@BetterLifeSailr) November 18, 2020

 1. Nothing is permanent, even friends.

This may be surprising for you but yeah true for the most of the times. Friends you met at high school may no longer be with you or the close friends you had at your college may not be with you anymore. but the life partner is the one who is going to spend most of the time with you in your life than any one but not the parents not kids not friends. Also i wanna stress one point here is that all your friends with you are expecting something from you. that the real harsh truth.

2. You’ve to deal your own problems, Nobody cares.

In your life you are the hero the bigger the problem you solve the bigger your life movie is going to hit high. In the process of solving the your life’s bigger problems you got to deal with your problem no one else going to care unless it’s parents every one else in busy in their own life dealing with their own problems, but some times you are really stuck you might need help in such cases also you find better approaches in dealing with your problems never try to compare your’s with others.

3. Never expose your personal problems with random peoples.

Never ever do it because no one cares they might listen but no one i repeat no one really cares about your problems everyone has their own problems. You got to deal with your own problems. Sharing with someone random friend actually makes it worse, may be try sharing with the your partner or your parents/guardian who really cares.

4. Never buy a car on loan, (My personal opinion based on experience).

Buying a all new brand card is not worth your money, right after taking it out of showroom it’s worth will be down by 10%. Instead consider used car with one year run time. more over car is a liability the car price will depreciate over the time and you got to pay petrol/diesel prices are spiking every day and cherry on top is the you got to pay maintenance/servicing charges along with insurance premium every year. Consider opting for uber/ola/lift or the new trend in the auto market is taking subscription service.

5. Investing in yourself is the greatest investment with best return on investment.

Investing in yourself is the best return on investment you ever get. Buying books, or online courses or utilities will help your gow. It’s never too late regardless of age invest some amount on yourself to improve yourself from yesterday to today don’t focus on going on 0 to 100, focus on going from 0 to 10 and 10 to 20 and 20 to 30…..90 to 100. Most of the students stop learning after the college there was best saying “When you stop learning you start dying”.

6. Continue a job if you find a growth factor in it, otherwise leave it.

If you like your job continue to focus on improving at your skills and adding more value if you not getting out of job except salary get out of the 9-5 rat race and start working on your side hustle or find the better place. Don’t jump right after you decide start the side hustle and make a progress once it’s start generating enough cash flow then quit your job. Do whatever you love to do it (Underrated quote) and make money out of it for living.

7. Always Talk less, Logical and to the point and try to Listen more.

Talking is cool, but listening is super cool, don’t just listen to reply listen to understand what the speaker is talking about apply your thoughts on it replay rationally. The more the listen the more the options you have and the better you get the results or most of the conversations. While you are negotiating whoever speaks first loses the deal.

8. Try to Appreciate the good things or people around you or in your circle.

Little gratitude is alway better than regret. Look around you appreciate people around you for what they have been for. You get the best out of it viceversa. You may not realise the worth the people around you until you they are not around you.

9. In the current era Money is almost everything and most important thing in life.

Money is not bad or evil, movies portrayed most business man or the entrepreneurs as villains but it’s actually not true. Money give you the freedom to do what you really wants to do in your life. Most entrepreneurs are the reason to make advanced investments and innovations to make it reality. Try to learn the to manage money at the early age and start investing as much as you could, it really pays off.

10. You learn lot of new things while travelling, so try it whenever you get chance.

Travelling is fun and learning as well the best life experiences you’ll ever get in the travel, meeting new people and new places fresh air and fresh perspectives of thinking. Eat local food and talk to locals always prefer solo travel but with friends and family is also fun.

11. Eat healthy. Workout daily, Stay focused to your goals.

Eating green veggies and healthy foods is new cool way of leading life, in the initial phase it’ll be boring and wanna quit but if you make it a habit you’ll love it. It’s the most rewarding your ealder self will thank you once you are aged.

12. Give your best whatever you do in life.

Stay fit, if you are not regularly working then one day you are going to regret no one else or no other quick remedies for getting fit quick it’ll take 4 to 6 months to get a small change in your body. Allocate some time in your calendar for workout and never skip it.  

13. Always work to your fullest, cause hard work never fails

Whatever you do give your commitment to the fullest, in the social media world of distractions get yourself busy with what you committed for and do it consistently without fail.


14. Everyone is better at something than you.

Plan your day there is no concept of holiday work daily and consistently you will be ahead of your peers. No matter what you do, do it consistently, learning a new language or adding a new skill it really pays off.

15. Consider law of Karma, good acts will come back to you for sure.

You might have forgot the laws of physics but do remember this law of karma if you do good you’ll get good returns to you if you do bad it’ll definitely come back at you. Never mess with it you’ll regret. My be all the laws of physics may not work all the cases but this law of karma definitely will work in all possible cases.

16. Help others whenever you can.

A small act of kindness or little help makes someone’s world different makes their day. It’ll trigger the same kind of helping people thought in their brain. It really boost yourself that you can do much better thing in life.

17. Never let anyone ruin your mental health, It’s powerhouse of your own universe.

Never let anyone for that matter be it the parent or sibling or outsider never let them ruin your mental health. It’s really is the powerhouse make it most out it so stay out of it and think rationally to avoid conflicts and solve the problem if you can otherwise leave it, move ahead with your life.

18. Research proves that you can improve your attention span or focus by playing games for few minutes.

I suck at doing a task without getting distracted by mobile notifications or the social media or some random thought on my brain. Here are the some of the actions i’ve taken that might help you one day, Turn of all your notifications, turn on only to the calendar and educational apps rest should never be notifying you unless you intentionally opens it and keep your mobile far away while you are studying. Yoga helps you to control your thought and be organized less stuff around you.

19. Don’t forget history, Learn from your mistakes.

Make mistakes and learn from it, this is called learning if your not making mistakes while learning that means you are not really learning. Make mistakes as much as you can but never repeat the same mistake. If you are repeating the mistakes then you are doing it all wrong. Make mistakes and get better at it. Mistakes might not cost you at the early age but it’ll be costly once you enter into life after the college. The early you realize the better you get faster and also learn from other’s mistakes you don’t have to spend your whole life to know something i did terribly wrong, you can learn from other’s mistakes life on earth is there from 10,000 BC so mostly it’s recorded it the form of books or from elders make use of it to get the advantage. Your problem might not be unique someone might have already faced and solved. So read books.

20. Expecting nothing from anyone will never let you down. Make it habit.

Never expect anything from anyone, it’s the cause of the most problems if you did favour to someone and don’t expect anything in return from them.

Bonus :

21. Real happiness comes from within you, not from materialistic things.

You don’t need a fancy car to be happy be happy with what you have many other’s dream is your life don’t ruin it for materialistic things in life. or you really don’t need anyone to be happy in life. Love yourself and love each day. 

Gif Credits: Giphy

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